Christmas Butterfly.

Christmas Butterfly.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Sutton Family

Cathy and Tom Sutton visited our area this
summer and contacted us for a lovely
reunion between Cathy and Madeline.
Cathy and Madeline are childhood friends
and have stayed in touch over the years.
The Suttons brought their family with them,
they have been blessed with a beautiful family.
Our love and prayers go with them forever.  
Madeline right, Mary Beth center, Cathy left.
Mary Beth is Cathy's sister.
This little fellow is Cathy and Tom's grandson
He wants one of whatever the thing is that's 
painted on the wall, and the same size too. 
Madeline, Cathy and Tom Sutton.
This is Julie, Cathy and Tom's daughter.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

great shots snappy. don't know how i missed this family blog, i looked at the other one yesterday and missed this completly. I can see joy and happiness on Madelines face and that everyone was having fun. I don't remember Cathy's face at all, just her name

Anonymous said...

It's good to see pictures of family and Cathy. She was always laughing and tickled with herself. She and Madeline made good friends for each other. Also like the class pictures of Madeline.... years gone by.